The Vico Way



Invest in



Driven by uncompromising integrity and respect for each individual, our dedicated team of healthcare professionals and lifestyle coaches will work each day to provide the most tailored experience for our residents based on their needs and preferences.

We’re more than a provider, we’re your personal support network, delivering the care you need discreetly when needed, and empowering you to maintain independence into the future.

Aside from our unrivalled support system, we have worked to create a vibrant range of experiences and amenities exclusivity for Vico Later Living residents.

This is The Vico Way.

Feel Good

We believe that your day should be filled with engaging, stimulating activities and the things that you love doing.

Physical and emotional well-being are key parts of our team’s holistic approach to wellness. Our lifestyle coordinator will spend time getting to know your interest and hobbies, ensuring that you can create the life you love here at Vico Later Living.

Our skilled catering partners are on-hand delivering healthy and delicious meals to our residents, on request. From freshly baked snacks to smoothies and fresh fruit at our complimentary espresso bar and resident lounges, the choice is yours – no matter your dietary preferences. Guests can also avail of private dining experiences, a family room for entertaining and outdoor dining on-site.

  • Senior fitness & aerobic classes
  • Physiotherapy group sessions
  • Poetry, reminiscing, storytelling & book club
  • Film & cinema evenings
  • Music & singing
  • Cards, bingo & board games
  • Gaeilge & Cultúr Club
  • Flower arranging & gardening club
  • Arts & crafts group
  • Pet therapy sessions
  • Education & wellness evenings
  • Memory care programme
  • 1:1 activity sessions
  • Seasonal activities
  • Regular outings


Visitors from the local community, family members and friends are welcome to become part of your dynamic daily life at Vico Later Living.

We encourage visitor participation across a range of our social and recreational activities.

From birthdays to barbeques, dinners to tea parties, we invite you to celebrate your most special occasions here at Vico Later Living; our dedicated team of lifestyle coordinators are on-hand to help you make it one to remember.

Invest in

We believe in making each day count. That’s why we offer our residents luxury on-site wellness facilities.

Be it our fitness facilities or hydrotherapy bath and outdoor hot tub, or our wellness, health and day spa suite. At Vico Later Living, no two days are the same.

Enjoy a little pampering with weekly visits from the hairdresser and indulge in beauty treatments such as manicures and facials. Now’s the time to invest in you.


At Vico Later Living, every effort is made to accommodate and support an individual’s spiritual needs in accordance with their wishes which we believe contributes to their wellbeing.

Alternative therapies such as aromatherapy and other holistic relaxation treatments, such as deep relaxation massages are available from our day spa. In addition, our on-site yoga studio welcomes all levels and offers peaceful classes focused on centring the mind and body, promoting movement and offering connectivity with people and place.


We encourage active participation in our resident committee and participation in surveys. Have your say and feel heard, with your views and insights helping us form our community lifestyle.

We are here to continuously improve resident experiences and value resident feedback which encourages new ideas and initiatives.

Register Your Interest